DB Promise


Tamara, Chief Imaginator of Imaginibbles, believes that everyone has the right to dream big. All it takes is one yummy little bite at a time to unlock the imaginative spirit.  Every time you take a bite you help transform yourself, your life (personal and professional), your community and your world.
The Dream Big Promise…
We are so crazy passionate about bringing out the imaginative dreamer in all that we live by the Dream Big Promise. It’s a promise to partner with innovative charitable products to provide women and children in need the basics so that they too can dream big.

Quenching The Thirst…
Water sustains us physically and lifts us up mentally. This is why we are partnering with LifeStraw® , an innovative, award winning portable water filtration device that provides access to safe drinking water, helping transform lives and communities. The water crisis across the globe is epic. As Chief Imaginator of Imaginibbles I’ve seen how clean water can provide women and children dignity, opportunity and hope.    Dreamers all, we will provide women and children in need access to the most fundamental nutrient of life, clean water.
Our promise is simple….
For every product you purchase, we’ll give a LifeStraw® to women and children in need. For every workshop you attend , online or in-person, we’ll give a LifeStraw®. For every paid Keynote I give, we’ll donate  50 LifeStraw®. I consider my customers dreamers that think differently. You get and give….now that’s innovation in action!

In the next 12 months (starting May 1st, 2010) our goal is to distribute 3,000 LifeStraw® to women and children that do not have consistent access to clean water today. Wow, now that’s a mouthful of a dream. Dream big. Dream often. Drink in life!
A few important tidbits about the drinking water crisis:
* Women and children are some of the most vulnerable populations when it comes to access to clean water
* 1.1 Billion people do not have access to safe drinking water. That’s 1/6th of the world’s population
* Almost 4 miles is the average distance a women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water
* 1.8 million people die of diarrhea per year, many of them children
* 440 million school days are lost each year from water- related issues

Sources: Water Supply and Sanitation Collaborative Council, World Health Organization

Eunice Brownlee and Sara Ann Noel support the Dream Big Promise with a creativity challenge. Can you say haiku? 1st prize…The Daily Dose Journal Starter e-book Rock on ladies! I can’t wait to see the winning Haikus and photography showcased at Il Posto in Denver!

5 responses to “DB Promise

  1. Tamara:
    So much enjoyed meeting with you and chatting with you today at CFU, the Unjob Fair.
    When you have the opportunity, please do send me the way to follow the companies you mentioned today in your presentation during the question and answer period. I love the fact that people are running successful entreprenurial ventures while “breaking all the rules”. What an exciting future we have as new business owners and support and confirmation for each other.
    Good Business!
    Thanks, Ruth Owen

  2. Pingback: when creativity collides. « eunice brownlee photography.

  3. Pingback: I love contests. « as life flutters by…

  4. Tamara:So much enjoyed meeting with you and chatting with you today at CFU, the Unjob Fair.When you have the opportunity, please do send me the way to follow the companies you mentioned today in your presentation during the question and answer period. I love the fact that people are running successful entreprenurial ventures while “breaking all the rules”. What an exciting future we have as new business owners and support and confirmation for each other.Good Business!Thanks, Ruth Owen

  5. Pingback: when creativity collides. « eunice brownlee | denver colorado and northern arizona lifestyle portrait photographer

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