Category Archives: Imagination Trunk Show

Spotlights on and interviews with inspiring and innovative people from all walks of life. Tamara finds people that are using their imagination to transform their lives and their communities. They are inspiring, empowering and a whole lot of fun to talk to. The entrepreneurial spirit is strong in this one….

The Right Brain Business Plan: An Interview with Jennifer Lee

Erin Seabold, founder of The Seed, chats about getting heard, creative connections and collaborative powerhouses

Erin Seabold, founder of The Seed, chats about getting heard, creative connections and collaborative powerhouses.

She is awesome to listen to!

Listen up next week as the Poker Diva herself, Ellen Leikind joins us for a talk about lessons from the table. Did I mention she has a killer poker face?

Imagination, a pink dance bus and a 10 year old entrepreneur!

Sometimes in life you come across something so inspiring and so genuine that you can’t help but share it with the world. That is how I felt after learning about Amiya’s Mobile Dance Academy. A little 10 year old girl with a big dream and a cool business. At just 10 years old she is a wonderful example of putting your imagination to work and in believing that your imagination has the power to make change. Most importantly I think she shows that imagination can be the catalyst to pursuing your passions and dreams.

In the middle of the night Amiya had an idea for a mobile dance studio so that she could share her passion and love for dance with children all over. She wanted her dance studio to travel and provide children, especially those that couldn’t afford traditional studio lessons, a chance to experience dance. So, with an old bus, a lot of pink paint and a plan she created her mobile dance studio. Of course I’m not the first and won’t be the last to be inspired by this little entrepreneur. She has been on all over TV and radio and she deserves it!

The great part about this story is that a child doesn’t see the barriers, they see the ideas and opportunities. It doubt the fact that no one has ever gutted a bus and used it as a dance studio stopped her from thinking it’s totally possible. I bet that needing a driver (someone over the age of 16 with a license) wasn’t a reason to even consider stopping. As I always say, “rules are often just tradition and other people’s way of doing things”. I’m not sure at 10 you don’t even see the rules which in many ways is a beautiful thing. Just think what you could do if you didn’t see the rules. If you listened to your imagination? If you actually used your imagination as a tool for action just like a to-do list or business plan.

From this little budding entrepreneur we should all take away a few very very powerful lessons:

1. Listen to your imagination! It probably has something very important to tell you.

2. Think of your imagination as a tool to help you take action and pursue your dreams, not just a mechanism for daydreaming.

3. Stop looking directly at the rules. Shift your perspective and start looking at the opportunities.

Click here to read the full story and watch the video

Do you have any stories of imagination at work? If so, share, shout and listen! Post your comments and stories below.

Betsy Wiersma chats with us on air about Camp Experience, power of memories and creativity and…

Betsy, founder of Camp Experience, BIG IDEA thinking and event planning and execution joined me for an inspiring conversation about saying no, the relationship between creativity and creating memories and lots lots more.

If you missed us, listen up! If you want some amazing in person mojo, join us at Camp Experience this fall.

As someone said to me, “I don’t know how to describe it but I can tell you that you gotta go!”

Ps. I will be speaking about unleashing your creative side….grab your track suite and let’s do it!

Lisa Tener – book coach and published author shares some of her amazing tips about expressing yourself, creativity and being metal and water.

Don’t worry, if you missed this amazing interview you can click here and listen to our full conversation. What didn’t we cover is the question.

**How do you know if you have a book in you?
** When do you know if your book is alive?
** Writing with power words, not passive words means…?
** Meeting your creative muse as a bear, light, an ocean. What does it mean?

These are just some of the questions Lisa answered. The tips for expressing yourself, transforming your life by putting pen to paper and meeting your muse will change how you work and live. Even better, Lisa is such a generous person that she is offering special discounts to Imaginibbles listeners, readers and dreamers.

Take advantage! Whether you are staring at a blank page with fear, not sure which of your amazing ideas will spark with your readers or trying to get published, Lisa has an amazing level of knowledge and ability to help. Just ask her clients that have been on Oprah, ABC and more.

Lisa Tener rocks in my book (pun not intended but funny anyway)!

Tamara’s link for book classes:
Code for $1500 discount- imagine

Tamara’s link for mini course:

I talk about creative spaces and inspiring mojo in my interview with Lisa Tener

Lisa Tener, creative writing coach and all around amazing creative lady, interviewed me about finding creative space, future Fridays and creativi-tees – my favorite of all favorite things to wear.

Enjoy the read!

Listen in on Tuesday, July 13th as I interview her about meeting your muse, 5-step creative process and expressing yourself. Imaginibbles radio.

Today I interviewed the Poker Prima Diva herself, Ellen Leikind, about lessons in life, love and business

This morning Ellen Leikind, the original Poker Prima Diva, came by for a chat about life lessons from the poker table. We talked about knowing when you have pocket aces, knowing your own tells and of course hoodies and dark glasses at the table. Play now or download for later

If you listened already you know we could have talked for hours. Here are some things we talked about off air:

One is picking the right game or the right table or the right people or job… There are numerous different types of poker, No-Limit, Pot Limit, Stud and they require different competencies to be good at. In No limit you may risk it all on one hand; in stud you need a stellar memory. Not all games suit everybody’s personality. If you are risk averse, no-limit is not your game. The same holds true with jobs and relationships. You may want to make a lot of money but that will require a job with lot of travel and socializing with people you may not want. Just make sure those are the cards you want to play with and that you aren’t better suited for another game.

Also in poker knowing when to fold or get out of a hand is key. Sometimes you know it’s a loser so no sense in wasting any more time or money. You need to know when you are beat so you can go on to the next. It is like women who stay in relationships too long that are going nowhere because they already invested a lot of time and emotion. Sometimes you need to cut your loses. Same thing with a job, if you have been working on a business or project that you are financially invested in but the market has changed, or the trend has changed, you may want to move on to something else and not be throwing away anymore resources on something that is not a winner.

What an amazing lady. Pick up her book POKERWOMAN or deck of cards for some great lessons in life!

Robert Tipton, creator and author of JUMP – innovation change model gives us lessons in innovation, transformation and motivation

Robert S. Tipton, author of the book JUMP and creator of the JUMP – INNOVATION CHANGE MODEL spoke with us on Imaginibbles radio about finding the best idea, not the first right idea, how not to get snapped back by the status quo and having a short attention span. Listen and learn

Jump is a must read on my book shelf! If you are looking to move forward and sustainable transformation that I suggest you pick this one up!

Steve Sorensen of Enlighten 360 and Corey Merritt of Instinktual designs…two radio chats, lots of fun!

On vacation? Enjoying the summer heat? That’s ok, you can always listen later. If you’ve been a little out of the loop or taking a break here are two recent radio shows you’ll love to listen to.

First, Corey Merritt – artist and teacher extraordinaire shares his passion for creativity, love of life and what he learns from the kids he teaches.

Second, Steve Sorensen – founder of Enlighten 360 and transformational guru talks about taking leaps, no opportunity being the best opportunity and more.

Listen up!

Mark Lake, author of Inventor’s Puzzle chats with us about what it takes to be an inventor and more

Download and listen to my chat with Mark Lake about the 5 pieces to the inventor’s puzzle, getting the right team and having 4 cups of coffee in the morning. Listen, laugh, learn

Next week Corey Merritt, world renowned artist and teacher, comes by for a chat about learning from kids, his hero Dr. Seuss and more. Tuesday, 10am MNT on Imaginibbles radio